Keith Hoskins, NIJO Central Region Administrator

1st Stop - Macon County Sheriff's Office, MO

On his first stop of the Central Region NCO Jail Tour, Keith Hoskins (NIJO Central Region Administrator) visited the jail at Macon County Sheriff’s Office, MO, where he met and presented the NCO plaque to Officers Shoush and Barnett.

2nd Stop - Grundy County Sheriff's Office, MO

2nd Stop on the Central Jail Tour was Grundy County Sheriff’s Office in Missouri, where Keith presented the Corrections Appreciation Plaque to Detention Officer Cody Reeder.

3rd Stop - Lucas County Iowa/Chariton Police Department, IA

Keith’s 3rd Stop on the Central Region Jail Tour was Lucas County/Chariton Police Department where he met with Deputy Carter Riechmann.

4th Stop - Mills County Sheriff's Office, IA

4th Jail Visit on Keith’s tour was Mills County Sheriff’s Office where he was presented the NCO Plaque to Detention Officer Kassim Pittman Detention.

5th Stop - Pottawattamie County Sheriff's Office, IA

The 5th stop on the Central Region Jail Tour was Pottawattamie County Sheriff’s Office where Keith was able to meet with Supervisor Craig Thomas Detention Officer Whitney Tranmer.

This week we pay special tribute to our fallen heroes across the country. Pottawattamie County and NIJO honor the service of Mark Burbridge who was killed in the line of duty 5 years ago this week.

6th Stop - Saunders County Sheriff's Office, NE

Keith’s 6th stop on the Central Region Jail Tour was the Saunders County Jail in Wahoo, Nebraska, where he presented the NCO plaque to Lt. Jon Lee.

7th Stop - Sarpy County Sheriff's Office, NE

The 7th stop on Keith’s NCO Week tour of the Central Region was Sarpy County Sheriff’s Office , NE, where he presented the NCO plaque to Assistant Director Jo Ellen Martin.

8th Stop - Platte County Sheriff's Office, NE

Keith’s 8th stop on the Central Region Jail Tour was the Platte County Sheriff’s Office where he presented the NCO plaque to Lt. Dave Westfall.

9th Stop - Phelps County Sheriff's Office, NE

The 9th stop on Keith’s NCO Week tour of the Central Region was Phelps County Sheriff’s Office where he presented the NCO plaque to Corrections Officer Vickie Chapman.

10th Stop - Phillips County Sheriff's Office, KS

On his 10th stop, Keith visited Phillips County Sheriff’s Office in KS, where he met with and presented the plaque to Undersheriff Gary Stephens.

11th Stop - Ellis County Sheriff's Office, KS

The 11th Stop for Keith was the Ellis County Sheriff’s Office in Kansas where he presented the NCO Plaque to Undersheriff Chuck White, Jailer Shelby Grieve and Jailer Keian Prechaska.

12th Stop - Barton County Sheriff's Office, KS

The 12th Stop for Keith was the Barton County Sheriff’s Office in Kansas where he presented the NCO Plaque to Sergeant Doug Parks.

13th Stop - Osage County Sheriff's Office, KS

Keith’s next stop was the Osage County Jail where he was able to meet with Corporal DJ Fine and Sergeant Clayton Hartpence. After their visit, Sergeant Hartpence introduced him to Sheriff Chris Wells and Undersheriff Scott Brenner.

14th Stop - Cass County Sheriff's Office, MO

The 14th Stop on Keith’s Central Region Jail Tour was the Cass County Sheriff’s Office in Missouri, where he presented the NCO Plaque to Sergeant Shane Burgess, Nurse Kim Otter, Deputy Libbey Hizey.

15th Stop - Pettis County Sheriff's Office, MO

The 15th Stop was the Pettis Cass County Sheriff’s Office, where Keith presented the NCO Plaque to Corporal Abigail Holland.

16th Stop - Independence Police Department, MO

The 16th, and final stop for our road-weary Keith Hoskins, was the 30 bed jail at the Independence Police Department where he was able to meet Major Ed Turner and Detention Administrator Catherine Shull.



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